Pornhub reveals data usage on its site

Adult entertainment site Pornhub has released data on how people access its portal from various devices & operating systems.Something that Google never reveals about

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Every minute on Pornhub in 2019 was a minute well-spent, our loyal users did not waste any time! There were 80,032 visits, 77,861 searches, and 219,985 video views. Every minute, there was an average of 2.8 hours of content uploaded to Pornhub – that means that every 9 minutes or so, an entire days’ worth of video was uploaded to Pornhub.

Also in every minute, 14,799 profiles were viewed, 343 friend requests were sent, and 612 users were followed. At the same time, 387 videos were rated and 29 new video comments were left (hopefully containing all of the aforementioned terms like good, love, like, sexy, pretty, and nice).

Top 20 Countries by Traffic

Once again, the United States continues to be the country with the highest daily traffic to Pornhub, followed by Japan which moved up 2 positions in the past year. The traffic increase from Japan played a role in many of the top search increases of the year such as ‘Japanese’ moving into the top spot.

As Japan moved up, the United Kingdom moved down to third, while India moved down 12 positions from its previous third-place position in 2018 partly due to the Indian government blocking access to some porn sites.

New to the top 20 countries this year is Thailand, up 6 positions from 2018. Combined, these countries make up 79% of Pornhub’s daily traffic. To learn more about the porn preferences of each country you can skip to the Top 20 Countries In-Depthsection at the end of the Year in Review.

Earlier in the year, the Insights team took a detailed look at how Pornhub’s Top 20 Cities compare. Be sure to check out that post to learn how porn viewership in New York City differs from that of London, England, and Paris, France.

Traffic by Devices

In 2019, mobile devices made up 83.7% of all Pornhub’s traffic worldwide. 76.6% of that traffic was from smartphones, which saw their share grow by 7%. The share of tablet traffic dropped by -17% to 7.1% while desktop and laptop computers decreased by -18% to make up only 16.3% of worldwide traffic.

Some countries have much larger shares of mobile traffic including the United States where 88% of visitors are using either a smartphone or a tablet, as well as 96% of visitors from the Philippines, 91% from India and 90% from Mexico.

 Some desktop computer hold-outs include Russia where 34% of Pornhub content is still pounded out by keyboard and 28% of Germans. In both countries, the share of desktop had actually decreased in 2019 as smartphone use grew by 16% and 10% respectively. In 2018 Pornhub found that Ukraine saw it’s mobile share grow by 40%, which gained a further 14% in 2019 bringing it closer to the worldwide average.

Traffic by OS

Even though mobile devices continue to make up the majority of Pornhub’s traffic, Pornhub did still find some changes taking place among visitors who were using desktop computers. Windows traffic decreased by 3% while MacOS systems grew by 7% to now makeup 16.7% of desktop traffic. Chrome OS only makes up 1.7% of Pornhub’s desktop traffic but its share grew by 24% compared to 2018.

When Pornhub looked at traffic coming from mobile devices, Pornhub was surprised to see that Apple iOS had overtaken Android OS this year, with Apple growing by 19% to make up 52.8% of Pornhub’s mobile traffic. A closer look revealed that much of this change had to do with geography. Android-based devices are quite popular in India, so when India’s traffic decreased in 2019, it caused the share of Android devices to decrease.

If Pornhub breaks the results down to the particular version of a mobile operating system being used, Pornhub finds that Apple users tend to be more up-to-date than their Android counterparts. 71% of Apple visitors are using iOS 13 (released September 2019), while only 48% of Android visitors are on the latest Pie (released a year earlier in August 2018). 17% of Android visitors still use an OS that is more than 4 years old.

Traffic by Web Browsers

Among desktop web browsers, Chrome still made up more than half of Pornhub’s traffic, but actually decreased 2% in 2019 while Safari saw it’s share gain 13%. Internet Explorer’s share dropped by 13% while Microsoft’s more modern Edge browser grew by 9%.


Over to mobile browsers, Chrome and Safari were nearly equal at 44.3% and 41.6% of traffic respectively. Both saw their share increase in 2019 as other mobile browsers like UC and Opera decreased significantly.

Trafic by Game Consoles

Game consoles aren’t just for playing games, they can also be a handy way to play with yourself! This year Playstation remained the top console for visits to Pornhub at 51.5% of all console traffic, although it’s share dropped by 5.2% as Xbox gained 5.3%.

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